Click each tab below to review the six resolutions to be proposed at the 2024 KBC Annual Meeting.

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On Appreciation to the Host Church and City

WHEREAS, the messengers to the 187th session of the Kentucky Baptist Convention are a deliberative assembly who are drawn together for the propagation of the gospel, and

WHEREAS, we acknowledge God’s sovereignty and providence in this sacred task, and

WHEREAS, we also acknowledge the kind hospitality of the people of First Baptist Church, Paducah, Kentucky, and

WHEREAS, we also express our gratitude to Mayor George Bray and the members of the Paducah Board of Commissioners, Judge Executive Craig Z. Clymer and the McCracken County Fiscal Court, as well as the citizens of Paducah, Kentucky, for their gracious welcome, and

WHEREAS, we especially acknowledge the Lord’s grace in enabling our Kentucky Baptist Convention president, officers, various committees, musicians, and other platform personnel to conduct the affairs of this convention with dignity and a Christlike spirit.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention meeting in Paducah, Kentucky, November 12, 2024, express our profound gratitude to the Lord and to all those through whom He is working to bring about an annual meeting characterized by prayer, grace, humility, evangelism, worship, encouragement, unity, and purpose.

On the Centennial Anniversary of the SBC Cooperative Program

WHEREAS, in 2025 Southern Baptists will celebrate the centennial anniversary of our Cooperative Program; and

WHEREAS. First Baptist Church of Murray, KY, under the leadership of Pastor Harvey Boyce Taylor in 1914, proposed a new unified approach to the church budget and visited various churches throughout Kentucky to promote what would become the beginning of the Cooperative Program; and

WHEREAS, upon the establishment of the Cooperative Program, M.E. Dodd, Chairman of the Commission on the Future Program, exhorted Southern Baptists toward “a unity of purpose and consecration never known before;” and

WHEREAS, since 1925 the Cooperative Program has provided a comprehensive funding mechanism for like-minded Baptist churches to support missions in all the world, all the time, at the same time (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8); and

WHEREAS, the biblical doctrine of cooperation compels us to work together and thereby effect a greater reward for our efforts (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12); and

WHEREAS, during these past 100 years, Kentucky Baptists have contributed nearly $1 billion through the Cooperative Program to fund missionaries such as disaster relief efforts, church planting, church revitalization, chaplaincies, evangelistic initiatives, discipleship strategies, pastor care, Christian education, Baptist communications, human needs ministries, and more; and

WHEREAS, Kentucky Baptists have made a great commitment to our missionaries, both at home and abroad, and to our larger family of Baptist workers whose Great Commission efforts are supported and sustained through Cooperative Program giving; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention meeting in Paducah, KY, November 12, 2024, affirm the Cooperative Program as our primary method of funding our Great Commission cooperation at home and abroad; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we ascribe thanksgiving and glory to God for blessing the partnership in the gospel we have known through Cooperative Program giving for 100 years (Philippians 1:3-5); and be it further

RESOLVED, that we are grateful for the churches that give faithfully and sacrificially through the Cooperative Program and for all who openly promote, support, and commit to the Cooperative Program among our family of churches, associations, and ministry partners; and be it finally

RESOLVED, that we commit ourselves to the celebration and promotion of the Cooperative Program within our churches, associations, and entities in its one-hundredth year.

On Access to Chemical Abortion in Kentucky

WHEREAS, all human beings are imbued with equal value and dignity on account of their creation by God in His image from the moment of conception (Gen 1:26-27; 9:6; Ps 139:13; Jas 3:9), and

WHEREAS, the image-bearing status of human beings is not dependent upon one’s characteristics such as—but not limited to—ethnic background, developmental state, socioeconomic status, mental acuity, physical build, sex, or existence outside of their mother’s womb (Gen 1:26-27; 5:1-2; 9:6; Jas 3:9), and

WHEREAS, governing authorities are tasked with serving the common good of all image-bearers within their jurisdiction, which includes upholding precepts of the natural law as set forth in the Noahic covenant, the sixth commandment, and that which is written on the heart (Rom 2:15, 13:4; Gen 9:5-6; Ex 20:13), and

WHEREAS, chemical abortion is a form of murder, and is thus a sinful violation of both God’s divine and natural law which governing authorities have the obligation to prevent as His servants of justice (Rom 13:4; Ex 20:13; Prov 6:17), and

WHEREAS, chemical abortion represents an immense threat to the health and safety of pregnant mothers, further underscoring the duty of governing authorities to restrict its availability, and

WHEREAS, despite Kentucky’s current laws, chemical abortion remains a consistent threat to unborn life and maternal health in the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, by God’s grace, a safe means for reversing the effects of chemical abortion exists and is widely available; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention meeting in Paducah, Kentucky, November 12, 2024, reaffirm our unwavering commitment to protecting the life of all image-bearers from the point of conception to that of natural death; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we commend the Kentucky General Assembly’s record of moving consistently forward to protect pre-born life in recent legislative sessions, while also recognizing that much remains to be done to fully protect pre-born life; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we express our grave concern over the continued proliferation of chemical abortion medication throughout Kentucky at the hands of out-of-state actors who seek to knowingly circumvent state law; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we urge our state leaders to take all necessary steps to prevent any access to chemical abortion in the Commonwealth regardless of the means by which it is sought or the location from which it originates; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we encourage the governing authorities in our Commonwealth to support educating citizens on the harms associated with chemical abortion medication and the possibility of reversing chemical abortion; and be it finally

RESOLVED, that we as Kentucky Baptists will continue in fervent prayer for and service to women considering abortion, that their hearts would recognize the value and worth of the child in their womb, and that they, by the power of the Holy Spirit, would commit to choose life for their child.

On the Prevalence of Pre-Marital Cohabitation in Baptist Churches

WHEREAS, the entirety of the biblical witness establishes that celibacy in singleness and sexual faithfulness in marriage is a central feature of the Christian sexual ethic; and,

WHEREAS, the Genesis account specifically denotes that the formation of a new household and subsequent sexual consummation of a monogamous relationship occurs only upon marriage, typified by the leaving of the parental household (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5-6); and,

WHEREAS, the sin of fornication as a pattern of life is consistently treated in the Bible as evidence of a lack of conversion (Matt. 15:19; Rom. 6:1-2; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1 Thess. 4:3; Heb 13:4); and,

WHEREAS, numerous sound Christian and secular polling outlets have demonstrated the precipitous rise of pre-marital cohabitation as a pattern in purportedly Christian relationships; and,

WHEREAS, Kentucky Baptists have in the past spoken clearly about matters of sexual ethics aimed at patterns both within our churches and looming large in the broader culture; and,

WHEREAS, the faithful shepherding of souls away from grave spiritual danger demands that Kentucky Baptist churches not neglect to speak clearly to those publicly engaged in unrepentant sin that leads to death (James 1:15; 1 Jn. 3:6); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention meeting in Paducah, KY on November 12, 2024 exhort the leadership of its cooperating churches to engage in a bold confrontation of this growing threat to our public witness and to the spiritual safety of those entrusted to our care (Matt. 5:13; 1 Pet. 5:2); and be it further

RESOLVED, that we implore our pastors to not merely address this issue deftly, gently, and forthrightly from the pulpit, but also to lead their churches in restorative conversations, pleading with the wayward to return to faithful, biblical Christianity (Jas. 5:20) by preaching the availability of forgiveness through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we call on the members of all Kentucky Baptist churches to support their church leadership as they seek to faithfully discharge their God-given responsibility to not neglect the full counsel of God’s word, extending even to the often-excruciating steps of restorative church discipline (Matt. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 5:9-13; Gal. 6:1; Titus 3:10); and be it finally

RESOLVED, that we reject any notion that setting forth this standard in any way dilutes the human flourishing or ultimate happiness of any human being, but rather that it brokers for humanity a manifold blessing through alignment to God’s creation order and his design for the benefit of all (John 10:10; 1 Jn. 5:3).

On Christians and the Political Process

WHEREAS, the Kentucky Baptist Convention, a cooperative missions-led ministry organization of Baptist churches in Kentucky recognizes severe division and hostility in the political process and discourse in our country; and

WHEREAS, the hostility has led to assassination attempts of a former president of the United States; and

WHEREAS, as a new President and new Congress will assume office in January 2025; and

WHEREAS, Scripture teaches that God appoints leaders according to His sovereign purpose (Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:20-21); and

WHEREAS, Scripture teaches that murder and hatred are evil (Exodus 20:13, Matthew 5:21-26); and

WHEREAS, Scripture teaches that Christians are to pray for government leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4); and

WHEREAS, Scripture teaches that Christians are to love our neighbor, speak with grace, and gentleness, (Matthew 22:39, Colossians 4:5-6, Ephesians 4:29); and

WHEREAS, Scripture teaches that Christians are citizens of the kingdom of God, which is to be seen over and above any identification to ethnic or nationalistic origins (Philippians 3:20); and

WHEREAS, Scripture teaches that whatever we do, we are to do it for the glory of God, including our engagement in the political process for the common good (1 Corinthians 10:31); and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 states, “Every Christian should seek to bring industry, government, and society as a whole under the sway of the principles of righteousness, truth, and brotherly love.”; and

WHEREAS, Christians are commanded to the task of evangelism which is to be the priority over politics (Matthew 28:18-20); now, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that we state unequivocally that we condemn all acts of political violence and the use of language or actions that intend to demean, belittle, or exercise hatred to any person; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we commit to pray for our elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels; and be it further

RESOLVED, that as we engage in the political arena, we are to love our neighbor in action and speech, including those with whom we disagree; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we should participate in the political process and vote our Christian convictions according to Scripture and for God’s glory; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we remember we are primarily citizens of the kingdom of God who live in the United States by God’s sovereign purpose to bring Him glory in all things; and be it further

RESOLVED, that while we participate in the political process, we recognize that political leaders and laws cannot save, and we wholeheartedly commit to the task of evangelism, proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the first priority in order to seek to win the lost by the grace of God.