Winchester—John Ryder, director of missions at Boone’s Creek Baptist Association, has announced he will retire effective either Dec. 31 or whenever a new DOM is hired. A search process has begun to find his successor.
“We are thankful for the leadership John has given during his six-and-a-half years there,” said Eric Allen, Missions Mobilization team leader for the Kentucky Baptist Convention, “Pray for John and the association as they transition and seek the Lord concerning next steps.”
During his time as director of missions, Ryder has encouraged cooperation among churches for missions and outreach to the community. “We’ve done pastor prayer breakfasts to get pastors involved and ‘men on mission’ gatherings, where we have encouraged men to do missions work through external building repairs,” he said.
Ryder has also preached at all 36 churches and has used his financial background to help the association develop policies and procedures to be fiscally responsible.
“I am grateful for John’s partnership with the state convention and his faithfulness to support and provide resources for the churches in Boone’s Creek,” added Allen. “John really challenged the churches to engage in missions and led the association to experience a 423 percent increase in missions participation.”
Going forward, the biggest challenges for Boone’s Creek association will be encouraging young people to be involved in the local church and continuing to encourage cooperation between churches and the association, Ryder said, adding that these are challenges faced by any association, not just Boone’s Creek.
“It takes time and effort to get (churches) to work together,” said Ryder. “So many churches still do things independently. If you can get them all working together, it opens the door to things they couldn’t do by themselves.”
After his tenure as DOM is finished, Ryder still plans to be active. He is grateful for opportunities to preach and said he would be open to serving in an associate pastor capacity should the Lord provide the right opportunity.
“John believes strongly in the value of the association,” concluded Allen. “He has given 110 percent of himself to the association during his tenure and plans to continue doing so in retirement.” (WR)
Cary Donnell