Katie Orr talks to women about how to go deeper in their study of the Scriptures at the annual meeting of the National Woman’s Missionary Union last summer in St. Louis. Orr serves as social media specialist and community development director for Flourish.me, a ministry of the North American Mission Board. (File photo by Van Payne)
LOUISVILLE — An Eastern Kentucky Missions Extravaganza and a collection of needed items for ministries in Eastern Kentucky are among the featured events of the 114th Kentucky WMU Missions Celebration and Annual Meeting, March 31-April 1 at Central Baptist Church in Corbin.
“By All Means” will be the focus of the two-day event, which begins on Friday morning, March 31, at 9 a.m. and concludes on Saturday at noon.
Katie Orr, author of the Everyday Faith, Hope, Love, and Peace series from WMU’s New Hope Press, will provide Bible study theme interpretations.
Eastern Kentucky missionaries will be featured in the Friday morning session. In addition, Bill Barker, National Director of Appalachian Regional Ministry and Mississippi River Ministry, North American Mission Board will introduce the NAMB Christmas Backpack project, a new project for Kentucky WMU and the Kentucky Baptist Convention.
Kentucky missionaries serving with the International Mission Board will share their work in the Friday evening session. Stan and Wendy Meador, serving with American Peoples, and AE, serving with Central Asian Peoples, will be featured. The program will also include reports from volunteers who have served this past year with Baptist Global Response in food and seed distribution in Lesotho.
Roxanne Nanney, minister of music at First Baptist Church of Brandenburg will lead the music, accompanied by Libby Thomas. The Central Baptist Church choir will present a concert at 6:30 p.m. Friday to begin the evening session.
The Eastern Kentucky Missions Extravaganza will include a variety of interactive missions experiences and conferences on Friday from 11:15 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Participants can also eat a boxed lunch, visit displays, and go to the bookstore during this time.
Annual meeting attenders are asked to bring items for Eastern Kentucky ministries such as baby wipes, diapers and clothes; new underwear and socks for children and adults; new tennis shoes and children’s coats; small toys; school supplies, backpacks; and full-size hygiene items. Large print King James Bibles have also been specifically requested. Donated items will be sorted and divided among ministries represented at the event.
The closing session begins Saturday at 9 a.m. Ron Shaw, foster parent with Sunrise Children’s Services, will share his testimony, followed by a presentation of the Kentucky Missionary of the Year Award, and a commissioning service for new Kentucky missionaries. Bill Barker will speak about NAMB’s Send Relief ministry, followed by a concert by the Oneida Baptist Institute Choir.
There will also be a special missions time for children on Saturday at 9 a.m. led by Stacy Nall and Jon Auten. Children will meet Bill Barker and participate in a missions activity.
An offering for Kentucky WMU ministries to missionaries and Missionary Kids will be received. Kentucky WMU provides Christmas gifts to Kentucky-born international missionaries as well as a fall and spring gift to Kentucky MKs who are attending college in Kentucky. Those unable to attend the annual meeting but who want to support Kentucky WMU ministries to missionaries are encouraged to send a gift for the offering or mail a donation to the Kentucky WMU office.
A boxed lunch will be available on Friday at noon. The Baptist Nursing Fellowship and Executive Board Reunion dinners will be at the church on Friday at 5 p.m. Pre-registration is required for all meals and preschool childcare. Annual meeting information and online reservations can be found at www.kywmu.org/annualmeeting.
Joy Bolton, executive director-treasurer of Kentucky WMU is excited about the 2017 Annual Meeting. “The focus on Eastern Kentucky ministries will not only be informative, but through the hands-on activities, you will gain a deeper understanding of the needs. Come enjoy the fellowship, music and missions inspiration. Learn how Kentucky WMU facilitates missions involvement.” (KBC)