Bruce Harrison is one of our online students who just completed a certificate in Bible. He is a bi-vocational pastor and is thankful for the opportunity our online classes provided for him to study.
“I pastor Stewartsville Baptist Church in Grant County,” said Harrison. “I surrendered to the call of the ministry in 2009. I immediately realized I needed theological training, but could not imagine how that would be possible. I was well aware of Clear Creek through several pastors who had served our church. I had participated in a mission trip there and had a great admiration for the college.”
“I made my calling to the ministry public during a revival service,” said Harrison. “The person preaching the revival at that time was the admissions director at Clear Creek. He informed me that Clear Creek now had an online program, and I still had time to enroll. I enrolled, taking only a few classes per semester because I was working fulltime and had taken the position as bi-vocational pastor at Stewartsville Baptist Church.”
“My experience as an online student has been great,” said Harrison. “I feel I have a special perspective being enrolled almost since its inception and have seen the technology improve dramatically over the years, making every aspect of website and library exceedingly easy to use, even for a tech dinosaur like me.”
“The one consistent aspect of my experience for me has been the faculty. Although I have never met most of them, I feel I know them. I have a tremendous respect for the quality of education I am receiving. It is of superior theological quality, but just as important, the passion and love of Jesus among all of the professors comes out in every lesson. I feel so revived after every class.”
“What I have learned so far has touched every part of my ministry,” said Harrison. “Not only my preaching, but my outlook on evangelism, missions and all aspects of ministry. I can honestly say that every class has been wonderful. My personal faith has also grown stronger through my time as a student at Clear Creek.
“I would encourage anyone who is seeking a sound theological education to consider Clear Creek Baptist Bible College. The experience will prepare you and bless you beyond your imagination.”