We have recently started seeing children of Clear Creek alumni answering a call to ministry and coming to Clear Creek to study. Now we have a student who was actually born at Clear Creek and who has returned to study here.
“I have just completed my freshmen year at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College,” said Christine Potter. “I was actually born at Clear Creek while both my mother and my father were attending here.

“The journey of how I ended up back at Clear Creek begins with the day I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. I accepted Jesus on March 3, 2010. I was in G.A.’s (Girls in Action) that night and we were learning about Jesus’ second coming and how He would take those who had accepted Him with Him, but those who rejected Jesus would be left behind. I realized that I wanted to accept Jesus.
“A few years later I started to feel a growing desire to be involved in ministry and participate in mission projects,” recalled Christine. “Then in the 10th grade I started to feel God call me into ministry. I talked to my parents about it and told them that I felt God calling me into ministry. I eventually decided I should come to Clear Creek to pursue a degree in missions.
“Since coming to Clear Creek, I have been able to learn about practical ways to minister more effectively to the world around me, as well as using what I have learned to minister to those in the community. I have been blessed with the opportunity to be one of the first women to be on the Great Commission Project Team going to different churches and using the talent God gave me for singing. I have also been able to use my talent to sing in chapel with the Clear Creek Singers. I have been blessed by all the opportunities God has given me while at Clear Creek, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the future.”
We at Clear Creek are grateful for God’s call on young people just like Christine. Has God called you into ministry? If so, prayerfully consider how we at Clear Creek can come alongside you to help you in your time of preparation. Clear Creek has been training men and women for Christian ministry since 1926, and we would love to see you called to the Creek!
Donnie Fox