During this season of Thanksgiving, all of us here at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College would like to say “Thank You” to Kentucky Baptists for all the many ways you show your support for this ministry.

Donnie Fox
Thank you for praying for us. We want you to know that it encourages and strengthens our hearts to know that people are praying for us.
We want to thank you for sending us students. All of us who serve here believe there is no greater place to prepare for God’s call on one’s life than right here at Clear Creek. Thank you for directing potential students to our campus when someone surrenders to God’s call on their life.
We want to thank you for using our students to serve in your churches. Many of our alumni have been called to serve as pastor, associate pastor or support staff in churches across our state convention. On any given weekend, many of our students are filling pulpit supply roles in churches that are without a pastor. We thank you for allowing our students the opportunity to gain valuable practical ministry experience through these opportunities.
One of those students is alumnus Travis Farris, pastor of Walnut Memorial Baptist Church in Owensboro. He shares how thankful he is for Clear Creek and the ministry training he received here when he was “Called to the Creek.”

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Clear Creek alumnus Travis Farris is pastor of Walnut Memorial Baptist Church in Owensboro.
“It is difficult to explain the methods and means that God, the Potter, uses to mold us as clay,” said Farris. “The relationships we encounter, the places we go and the choices we make all impact the trajectory of our lives. God, in His omnipotence and omniscience, stunningly crosses our paths with individuals and leads us to places that afford us the privilege of walking in His will.”
“There is not even a shadow of doubt that God, by His grace, led me to a campus of buildings on a serene plot of land in the corner of the state of Kentucky called Clear Creek Baptist Bible College,” Farris observed. “This area is not only the place where three states intersect, but it is also where my life has intersected with a group of professors and colleagues that has enriched my life and ministry. To be ‘Called to the Creek’ has been one of the most substantial landmarks of my ministry. The high expectation for excellence and the depth of theological studies have both made an indelible mark on my life.
“All too often we are engaged in shallow study and mundane ministry,” Farris added. “Yet at Clear Creek, I not only learned how to study deeper, I learned a work ethic of discipline and integrity. I learned what it looks like to strive for excellence and to do all things as for the Lord. In other words, I not only learned theologically at Clear Creek, I also learned morally and ethically what it looks like to be all in for Jesus.

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Scenic view of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College campus.
“In addition, Clear Creek not only prepared me for ministry, I am well prepared for education at the graduate and doctoral level,” said Farris. “Clear Creek’s quality of education coupled with the quantity of Bible classes challenged me to be well-rounded in all areas. I am fully convinced that Clear Creek is one of the Southern Baptist’s best-kept secrets that needs to be revealed!”
Thank you, Kentucky Baptists, for your financial support of this ministry. We are proud of our relationship we have with our Kentucky Baptist Convention as the Bible College of the convention. We are thankful for the support we receive through your Cooperative Program giving. We are only able to do what we do because of your willingness to support this ministry financially. It has always been a blessing to me to watch how God takes what each one is willing to give and then takes that and enables us to use it for His glory here at Clear Creek.
In this season of Thanksgiving, all of us here at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College say, “Thanks for all you do for us here ‘At the Creek!'”
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Donnie Fox