Alex Wheeler is a sophomore student at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College. He is thankful for the way God has transformed his life and given him a purpose and clear direction with what God wants him to do with his life. He is thankful for a place like Clear Creek that has helped him draw closer to God in and out of the classroom.
“Growing up, I had a rough home life and absent parents,” said Wheeler. “I came to a point in my life where I simply stopped caring about anything and everything. I felt nothing and was constantly empty. I wanted nothing more than just to be happy.
“On Aug. 29, 2010, I came to a saving knowledge of Christ, and it is in Him that I have found true joy and my purpose in life. God called me into the ministry when I was 14, and it terrified me because I was a very quiet and shy person who could not talk to people, let alone in front of people. I am thankful that Christ has transformed me from who I was into who He needed me to be to effectively serve Him.
“My older brother went to Clear Creek, which is how I heard of the college,” noted Wheeler. “After I surrendered to my calling, I could not wait to start my education here. I came for a college visit my senior year in high school, and that is when God confirmed this is where I was supposed to be.
“I came here thinking I had a decent knowledge of the Word. I quickly found out that I had much to learn! The professors here are great. I have learned so much studying under them, yet my biggest growth comes from the personal time I spend with God, whether it be in prayer or reading the Bible. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. That drives to study that much more.
“I have been called to simply preach the Word of God,” affirmed Wheeler. “I feel that I will pastor a church somewhere in the mid-United States in a community with a dire need to hear the truth of the gospel. Lord willing, He will eventually lead me to a school so I can teach and train the next generations of preachers and teachers after me. It has been amazing to see the person God has been changing me to be. It is the exact opposite of who I was.”
Thank you, Kentucky Baptists, for your Cooperative Program support, which helps us to fulfill our mission to train preachers of the Word just like Alex! We could not do what we do without you!
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Donnie Fox