All throughout scripture we see the value of life from womb to tomb, meaning life matters from creation until its end.

Adam Tait
We see in Genesis 1:27 that we are all made in the image of the Creator God. Being created in God’s image gives us value that is incomprehensible. With our immense value and despite our many differences, we all have a common bond. We are all bound together as children of God. Our lives all have equal value in the eyes of God.
In that time between birth and death comes a very pivotal time in life for us all.
The lives of kids and students can be confusing and rough in today’s world. Crossings not only values life from womb to tomb, but we specifically value the lives of children and students. We value them so much that we have two wonderful properties that create experiences for kids and students to fully experience the gospel each summer.
Our programming from top to bottom exhausts every opportunity to present the gospel. I like to say that you cannot get a scoop of ice cream without hearing the gospel. Our primary goal is to see the lives of kids and students transformed by the Holy Spirit and that can be seen everywhere at camp each summer.
In Ephesians 2:10, we see that we are all created for good works. As image bearers, there is a call on our lives. For believers, this is a daily walk that comes from a salvation experience.
Our goal at camp is to lead kids and students to critically think about their sin and what it takes to become a Christ follower. We aspire to see genuine life change among all those at camp. Ultimately, we want to see kids and students fully understand what it means to live out the call on our lives as image bearers and to walk in good works.
Our mission as a ministry has been put on hold due to the current pandemic that is affecting all aspects of life. Our prayer is that we are able to have camp next summer and that lives can be impacted in a powerful way.
Would you consider praying for us as a ministry? Praying that we can have full capacity in 2021? We covet your prayers, and we are immensely grateful for Kentucky Baptist churches. Without you we could not do what we do.
Adam Tait is director of communications for Crossings Ministries.
Adam Tait