NASHVILLE�Our world has a very inaccurate view of who God is. Some see Him as an absentee landlord. Others see Him as The Man Upstairs. It has always been the plan of Satan that our world not have a clear perspective of who God is.
We are so fortunate to live on this side of the cross. We can show the world what God is like because we can show them God through Jesus Christ.
The writer of Hebrews declares that in many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets (1:1). God spoke through holy men moved by the Holy Spirit to communicate His will for all mankind.
Through Moses, God gave His people the law. Through Isaiah, God spoke concerning His sovereign holiness. The message of Hebrews 1:1�3 declares that in these last days, God has spoken through His unique and divine Son who was born of a virgin in Bethlehem. It is in Jesus Christ that God has given His full and final self-disclosure to the hearts and lives of men and women.
Let us look at what this passage in Hebrews tells us about Jesus:
God has appointed Christ the heir of all things (v.2).
The Kingdom belongs to Jesus Christ. The apostle John declares, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and He will reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15). The victory belongs to Jesus Christ. He fought the decisive battle of history by coming in the flesh, assuming the form of a servant, taking our guilt upon Himself, and dying as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross. God exalted Christ by raising Him from the dead and has lifted Him to the position of supreme authority in this world and in the world to come. It is through Him who is the heir of all things that God seeks to speak to you.
God made the universe through Christ (v.2).
Men listen to men of power. He who has political power has an audience. He who is a great military leader can command a crowd. The inspired writer of Hebrews tells us that in Jesus Christ there is the creative power by which the universe was literally called into being. The apostle Paul gives the same message in his epistle to the Colossians: “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him” (Colossians 1:16).
Christ is the radiance of God’s glory (v.3).
The word which is translated “radiance” refers to “the radiance shining forth from the source of light.” Just as the radiance of the sun reaches the earth, so in Jesus Christ the glorious light of God shines forth to illuminate the heart and the way of mankind. Are you walking in the light?
Christ is the very image of the substance of God (v.3).
He is the exact representation of God’s being. Just as the image on a coin exactly corresponds to the mold used to make the coin, so the Son of God corresponds exactly to our heavenly Father.
Christ sustains all things in the university by His Word (v.3).
Jesus Christ upholds the universe as one who carries all things forward on their appointed course. He keeps the universe on schedule and is in charge of its total operation. When your life seems out of control, remember that it is not out of His control.
Christ made purification for sins (v.3).
Jesus Christ, the babe of Bethlehem, lived His life, rendered His service and finally sacrificed Himself as an atonement for our sins upon a cross. For us to neglect to hear Him speak concerning our need for the forgiveness of our sin is to miss what God is trying to say through Him. As the perfect High Priest, Jesus Christ has entered into the most holy place as a perfect sacrifice for our sins and, therefore, is able to offer us the gift of eternal life. As the One who has conquered death and is alive forevermore, Jesus serves as our advocate making intercession for us. Let us listen to what He has to say about God and respond to what He has to say about man’s deepest need.
Christ has been exalted to be our King and redeemer (v.3).
Jesus was born to be our King and deserves the place of lordship in our hearts and lives. He alone can be our Savior from sin. He has come offering the gift of forgiveness and the gift of new life. Have you heard His invitation, “Come unto me”? Have you made Him the Lord of your life?
Jesus did more than speak with words about God. He has shown us the love of God by dying for us. It is time for us to proclaim to the world that we love Jesus and that we are not ashamed to proclaim this to anyone, anywhere, anytime. (BP)
Frank S. Page