As August winds down, we will soon close the books on the 2017-18 Eliza Broadus Offering year. Thank you, Kentucky Baptists, for giving to state missions. When I came in 1999, EBO for 1998-99 stood at $747,254. Since 2008 EBO has exceeded 1 million dollars annually, but not reaching our goal of $1,250,000. I had hoped for this before retirement.

Our 2018 state missions theme is Testify! Lostness statistics for Kentucky confirm the need for each of us to testify to our faith in the Lord Jesus. The number of declining churches in our convention shows our lack of conviction about lostness and reveals that we are silent far too often.
The Testify! theme has been captured in a graphic which includes the state of Kentucky and a red cross as the second t in testify. The graphic has been printed on shirts which caught the attention of students at Kentucky Changers this summer. It was exciting to see the students wearing these shirts as they served and came to our times of worship. It is my prayer that they will wear them to school and testify to other students, teachers, and school personnel. A limited number of shirts are still available from the Kentucky WMU office.
State missions includes learning, praying, giving, and doing missions. Learn by watching several of our 2018 state missions videos or reading the Master Article ( Pray for state missions using the Testify! prayer guide bulletin insert. Give to the Eliza Broadus Offering for State Missions using the special Testify! envelopes. Plan a local ministry and/or fill a backpack for our statewide KBC backpack collection for children.
Above all, Testify! today to someone who is lost without Christ.
Kentucky missionaries and church planters are counting on you. Many evangelism efforts are depending on you to give, pray, and share your faith. Missions opportunities for children and students take place throughout the year because you give. EBO has been at work since 1913. Let’s keep EBO going strong across Kentucky, supporting missions and efforts to Testify!
Joy Bolton