Kentucky WMU has a dedicated staff who love the Lord, missions, and the work they do. Their dedication includes weeks of sleeping on an air mattress, hanging out with children and youth, and working from early morning to late night. I’ve been with them on many of the locations this summer. Sharing the experience with them (including many nights on an air mattress) helps me not only understand what they do, but tell the story.
At Mission Adventure for Kentucky Kids, I led a drama track where children learned to act out two of Jesus’ parables. We were as excited as the woman who found her lost coin when two of our children accepted Christ as Savior.
Kentucky Changers includes both power tool and evangelism training. This year we introduced the Three Circles as a way to share Christ. The key to using this approach is to get in lots of “reps” (repetitions). When visiting job sites to take pictures of the crews, I would get in my reps with Changers and homeowners. My goal was not only to improve my own gospel sharing skills, but also to show students how they could use this method in sharing Christ with their friends.
This week over 159 volunteers from many states have gathered in Lebanon for Familyfest. This is a joint ministry of National WMU, Central Baptist Association, and Kentucky WMU. Our thanks to Jay and Cheryl Hatfield for their work in arranging the ministry projects. Wanda Walker, Kentucky WMU missions consultant for adult and churchwide, has worked with them in planning for this week of ministry.
Kentucky Baptist Nursing Fellowship is very involved in a number of the Familyfest ministries which include wellness clinics in two locations, four block parties, two sports camps, construction, three Backyard Bible Clubs, sorting and organizing items for two resource centers, prayerwalking, street evangelism, nursing home ministry, repairs at a domestic violence shelter, yardwork and painting.
At the end of this week, Royal Ambassadors and Challengers will experience missions through Camp Courage. This overnight camp includes a variety of outdoor activities as well as missions learning, worship, and Bible study. Jon Auten does a great job of planning this experience for boys.
Thank you for your gifts to the Eliza Broadus Offering for State Missions®. Every dollar helps Kentucky WMU facilitate missions involvement. You are part of this important work through your praying and giving.
Joy Bolton