The Eliza Broadus Offering (EBO) has a tremendous impact on connecting international students in Kentucky with the gospel.
One of the longstanding ways that EBO ministers to international students is through the annual Connect International Student Conference.

Tommy Johnson
Since 1952, the Connect Conference has been sponsored by Kentucky Baptist Campus Ministry (KYBCM) and the Kentucky WMU.
In 2019, 195 participants — including international students from 36 countries — attended Connect at Cedarmore. The majority of the students who attended are from countries in the 10/40 window which are closed to traditional missions. At least one international student made a profession of faith in Christ through the conference. International students engaged in gospel conversations throughout the weekend.
The Connect Conference seeks to serve international students through three components: friendship, cultural exchange and an introduction to Christianity. International students share their culture through a parade of nations, global festival, talent show and dinner banquet.
Students from around the world are introduced to the Christian faith through messages by a keynote speaker, small family group discussions and conversations with leaders throughout the weekend.

Fouad Masri, founder of Crescent Ministries and a native of Lebanon, served as the 2019 keynote speaker. Fouad shared how Christ changed his life as he grew up in a war-torn country and how the gospel story can change each person’s story for eternity.
The Connect Conference further serves to allow local BCMs and KBC churches to continue following up with international students after the conference.
If your church would like to reach out to international students, partner with an existing BCM or expand BCM work to a new campus, please contact