Online student Landon Tucker is thankful for Clear Creek and the training he is receiving to equip him for his passion to defend the Christian faith through apologetics.

Donnie Fox
“I am a children’s pastor in Tuscaloosa, Ala., majoring in ministry studies and will graduate in December,” said Tucker. “I am engaged to a beautiful woman named Jordan, who is far out of my league — but God is good, is He not?
“I became a Christian as a child during Vacation Bible School. As I got older, I sincerely battled with my salvation as a man dealing with the pressures of moving to different towns and schools and of course finding my place socially. God sent many people in my young life to point me back to God’s Word.
“My heart was set on journalism as a career,” Tucker recalled. “Yet over the next few months in college, God essentially turned the temperature gauge of my heart from journalism to proclaiming His Word in ministry. I found Clear Creek’s website ( and inquired about some information.

“I received a call from a staff member who stayed on the phone with me a total of three hours over the next few weeks, encouraging me and helping me decide what to do. When I was accepted, it was the happiest day of my life. I have been encouraged by my professors in so many ways, but mainly by pointing me to the depths of God’s Word. God has revealed so much about His nature to me through being at Clear Creek and the immense study we partake of in His Word.
“My passion for apologetics grew initially with taking apologetics courses at Clear Creek,” noted Tucker. “Professors at Clear Creek focus on equipping students to defend the faith biblically and lovingly. Attending the DEFEND Conference at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with Dr. John Ditty and Professor Johnathan Hendrickson enhanced my passion for apologetics when I saw remarkably intelligent believers point to the amazing facts we have about God’s existence and love for me.
“I have now started a personal apologetics platform that has reached almost 6,000 people. If it wasn’t for Clear Creek and the caring professors, I never would have been challenged in this way. I’m so thankful I was.
“God has used Clear Creek Baptist Bible College to play a massive part in my life,” added Tucker. “As I get ready to graduate, I want to encourage others whom God is calling to ministry to allow God to use Clear Creek to equip you in the ministry He is calling you to do. You don’t have to be the ‘next Billy Graham,’ you just have to be obedient to what God is calling you to.”
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Donnie Fox