One of the highlights of our annual meeting this year was hearing the testimonies of God’s saving work in the lives of those who lead Kentucky Baptists and our agencies and institutions. I pray that hearing those stories will motivate each of us to share the glorious story of what God has done in our lives to bring us to Himself. And we are praying God will use our stories to convict the lost of their sin and convince them of their need for a Savior.
We have also created a web tool to help you share your story with the website As an example of how it works, you can listen to my story at
Another very exciting way God is using Kentucky Baptists to take the gospel to the lost is through the Bucket Project with Baptist Global Response. To those who have been helping on this project, THANK YOU! Our goal for collecting buckets at the annual meeting was 800. Kentucky Baptists responded with 1,458 buckets! At an estimated value of $85 each, that is $124,000 for missions. Let me encourage you to help spread the word about BGR to every Kentucky Baptist.
When you are compelled to give a financial gift to help relieve suffering during natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, or famines, or to help those who are living in refugee camps due to war or dying from the AIDS virus, make your donation to BGR. You can do that at,, or simply send the gifts to the KBC and mark them for BGR. While there are a lot of relief agencies out there, BGR is ours and the work of BGR is carried on with this goal: not just to do good to those who are suffering, but to also share the good news of eternal life.
With regard to spreading the word, when it comes to the words of the gospel, our KBC Communications Team, under the leadership of Roger Alford, has created another tool for you. We have TV ads that can be customized to provide an invitation to worship at your church or the churches of your association.
If I had a nickel for every time I have heard someone say something like, “Why don’t we have any TV commercials like the Mormons?” I could probably pay for these commercial to run day and night for a full year. I don’t have those nickels, but now you can have the commercials free of charge. All you will need to do is pay for the airtime with your local cable provider. Contact Roger at if you would like to use this resource.
Paul Chitwood