Most of us are currently immersed in Christmas events at our churches, holiday baking, Christmas shopping and an otherwise completely full calendar through the end of the year. It’s hard for us to think of anything else, but the start of a new year is an important time for setting fresh goals in many areas of life. This can be an excellent time to review and update our financial plans to make sure the plan will provide adequate financial security for our family and bless the Christian causes important to us.

As we consider strategies for accomplishing our personal and charitable financial goals for 2019 and beyond, we should schedule time to do the following:
• Identify your sources of income and expenses.
• Determine the value of your assets and the income (if any) they produce.
• Review the needs of family members and others, including your church, and consider any changes that may be needed in your plans.
• Define your goals for the management and future distribution of financial assets.
• Make a detailed list of your assets, such as home (including furnishings) and other real estate, vehicles and other personal property, financial accounts, retirement plans and other investments, including their original cost and current market value.
It is also beneficial to meet with your professional advisors to review and establish your personal and charitable financial goals. Your financial advisor, life insurance representative, accountant, attorney or other specialist can help you evaluate your specific circumstances and guide you in structuring an estate and financial plan that best achieves your goals.
Regular reviews of your long-range estate and financial plans are the best way to make certain your desires for the management and disposition of your property are up to date and meet your current needs.
The Kentucky Baptist Foundation is honored to work with individuals seeking how best to organize their estate planning goals to achieve their personal and charitable objectives to support their church and other Baptist causes. To learn more, you may contact the Foundation staff at our toll-free number (866) 489-3533.
Richard Carnes is the president of the Kentucky Baptist Foundation, P.O. Box 436389, Louisville, KY 40253; toll-free (866) 489-3533;
Richard Carnes