In the 1922 edition of Southern Baptist Handbook, Miss Kathleen Mallory, corresponding secretary of national WMU states, “The Union’s attitude toward its task is best expressed in its watchword: ‘Laborers together with God!'” From the very beginning, WMU has rallied together to support and partner to advance the gospel.

Liz Encinia
In the book Better Together: You, Your Church and the Cooperative Program, the authors shine a light on Annie Armstrong as a female catalyst in the missions movement of the SBC. Her desire was not to make a name for herself or for WMU, but to raise missions awareness among Southern Baptists and champion giving for the sake of the gospel.
Today, WMU’s task is still the same. While our methods may change, our call is to live in unshakable pursuit of His mission, His Word and His glory. We are dedicated to the work of the church in accomplishing the mission of God. We are passionate about missions education as a tool to equip everyday people to live on mission. We are advocates of sacrificial giving so the world may know.
In ministry together, there are three facets to the work of Kentucky WMU. Individually, we desire for everyone to develop a lifestyle intentional on fulfilling the Great Commission. Collectively, we work towards cultivating a climate in the church that champions the urgency of missions for all ages.
Together, we run the race with Kentucky Baptists and strive to answer God’s mission call. Jesus was quite clear when he told the disciples the “harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matt. 9: 35-38).
While we each may have a different task, we are all needed to work the harvest in submission to the Lord (1 Cor. 3:9). Jesus gave us an assignment (Matt. 28:19-20), now we must go. As we work together through various missions and ministries, we work to advance the gospel in a unique way.
We look forward to seeing our Kentucky Baptist family as we meet this November. We anticipate a wonderful time as we reconnect and celebrate what God is doing throughout the commonwealth. As partners in ministry, we are grateful and humbled to “labor” with you.
His mission. Our passion.
Liz Encinia is executive director-treasurer of Kentucky’s Woman’s Missionary Union.
Liz Encinia