Hope Lives Pregnancy Center is founded in Owen County, KY and is a non-profit, Christ-centered ministry committed to the value of all human life by providing hope and help through Biblical mentoring, education, and assistance in the areas of sexual health, pregnancy, and relationships.
Building renovations are underway, and we plan to open our doors to serve our community in Spring 2024! Please consider partnering with us to help make our community a place where all life is respected and every woman chooses life for her unborn child, because children are treasured, mothers are supported, and fathers are faithfully committed.
Prayer Need(s): For God to continue to bring faithful supporters and volunteers to the ministry to serve Him. That God would provide for all the needs we have as we get our building ready. For the clients we are already serving and will serve in the future – that they would ultimately come to accept Christ. For protection from the enemy as he seeks to steal our joy, kill our progress, and destroy our mission.
FB page link: Hope Lives Pregnancy Center – Facebook
Website link: Hope Lives Pregnancy Center – Website