ELKTON—Bellview Church will host the 3rd annual Southern Kentucky Bible Conference on Oct. 23-27 at 6:30 p.m. nightly. Conference preachers include Lloyd Johnson, Don Mathis, Curtis McGehee, Bobby Sellers, James Shutt, David Skinner, Roger Skipworth, Ben Stratton, and Donnie Wilkins. This year’s theme is Christ in the Old Testament. Rodney Skipworth is pastor.
IRVINE—Friendship Church will have its homecoming Nov. 2. Chris Miracle will bring the message. Marion Rogers is pastor.
LEXINGTON—Boones Creek Church will celebrate its homecoming Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. Charles Dixon is pastor.
LOUISVILLE—Deer Park Church, will celebrate homecoming Oct. 30, at 10:45 for worship and a luncheon immediately following. David Platt is pastor.
Green Acres Church has called Jeffery McCarty as senior pastor.
MURRAY—Sugar Creek Church will hold a tent revival Oct. 20-22. Tim Cole will bring the message on Thursday, Brad Walker on Friday, and Brett Miles on Saturday.
PRINCETON—Cedar Bluff will hold revival Oct. 23-28 with Presley Lamm as evangelist. Mark Faughn is pastor.
SHELBYVILLE—Buffalo Lick Church has called Brad Hockensmith as its new pastor.
Highland Church will host the Common Bond Gospel Quartet on Oct. 23 at 6 p.m. Chris Platt is pastor.
TYNER—Oak Grove Church has called David Taylor as pastor.
WADDY—Waddy Church will hold fall revival Oct. 28-29 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 30 at 11 a.m. Tex Selph is pastor.
WINCHESTER—Providence Church (Clark County) will celebrate homecoming Oct. 23 in the morning service. The Fishers will perform during the service. Linville Spangler is pastor.