BEDFORD–Bedford Church has called Daniel Wightman as pastor on Jan. 4.
CAMPBELLSVILLE–Saloma Baptist Church is hosting a Winter Bible Study on Feb. 1, 8, and 15 at 5 p.m. John Hurtgen, dean of the Campbellsville University’s School of Theology, will led the study titled “A Challenge to a New Generation,” based on the book of Deuteronomy. Call 270-789-0082 for more information.
ELKTON–Bellview Church will host the second annual Southern Kentucky Bible Conference on Feb. 15-19 6:30 pm nightly and 3:00 pm on Feb. 16th. The theme is the End Times and Second Coming of Jesus. Speakers include Don Mathis, James Shutt, James Branscum, Ben Stratton, Curtis McGee, Roger Skipworth and David Skinner. Rodney Skipworth is the pastor.