GOD’S CALLING: “To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).

SUNRISE’S RESPONSE: “Providing care and hope for hurting families and children through Christ-centered ministries.” (Sunrise Mission Statement)
Sunrise Children’s Services is a Christ-centered ministry with a compassionate heart for everyone under our care. This Christian emphasis has not changed since our inception and is drawing families to join us on this journey.
Are you called to show God’s unconditional love to a hurting child through fostering? As a Sunrise foster parent, you may be the first ‘Jesus’ some of our children ever see and experience. Becoming a Sunrise foster parent is truly a step of faith and an act of obedience to God’s calling in scripture.
Here are some frequently asked questions about Sunrise foster care (from our Sunrise Foster Care Brochure):
How do I know whether or not to accept a placement? Sunrise staff helps foster families identify the right type of children for their homes.
Do I have to take any child you send me? No. Sunrise staff will call to present information about a child who we think matches your household. You always have the choice of whether or not to accept the placement. Saying “no” to a placement doesn’t affect our willingness to call you about other children in the future.
Do we get to meet the child before he or she moves in with us? Most children need to be placed within 24 to 48 hours of their referral. This means you’ll usually meet the child for the first time when the foster care specialist moves him or her to your home.

How long will a child stay in our home? The length of stay will vary from child to child. Some children need only a few months of care, while others remain in placement until age 18.
How will our children react to children in foster care? If you’ve prepared them well during the pre-service training and home study process, there should be few problems. It’s not unusual for your children to be a bit jealous at first, just as they might be jealous of sharing you with a new baby.
Can I work outside the home? You can. The expense reimbursement a foster family receives is simply reimbursement, not a replacement of salary.
Does the child have medical insurance? Children come with medical coverage provided by the state. You will not need to provide insurance for the child’s health needs.
Is there a limit to the number of children in my home? How many foster children you have depends on a variety of factors, including the amount of care each will require and the size of your home.
Our greatest need right now is foster parents who are willing to provide care for hurting teenagers, large sibling groups placed together and children who are medically complex. Call 855.33.iCARE or go to www.sunrise.org/foster-care to learn how you can provide a loving home to a child in need.
David Lyninger is Sunrise Children’s Services associate director of communications.
David Lyninger