This year, the International Mission Board celebrates 175 years of ministry and missions around the world. One hundred and seventy-five years of sharing the gospel with those who have not heard. One hundred and seventy-five years of Southern Baptists answering the call to obediently take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Liz Encinia
As Southern Baptists, we have one thing that unites us. At our core is the passion to take the gospel of Christ to those who have never heard.
We work toward that common goal through tremendous efforts like the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Did you know this one offering supports the ministries of 3,600 missionaries scattered across the world — sharing Jesus with those who have little or no access to the gospel? This is the blessing of being Southern Baptists.
In the midst of an ongoing pandemic and season of personal loss, celebrating 175 years of missions service is something I can join in on.
As I helped my mom clean out my dad’s dresser drawers and organize his library, I skimmed through his Bibles and just soaked up every note written in the margins. Note after note, he highlighted the life-changing truth of the gospel and how it had impacted his life. Such truth and testimony come from a man who once was so far from the Lord spiritually. As a result of putting his trust in the Lord, he is now sitting in the presence of his Lord and Savior. As you read this article, there is a celebration in heaven.
Because you give year after year to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, people from every tribe and every nation reconciled to God are now celebrating in His heavenly courts with praise.
This is the joy of giving. We give so that someone has an opportunity to hear about the good news of Jesus. We give so they, too, can sit at the feet of King Jesus. I pray that you would encourage a friend to give for the sake of the gospel. Encourage them by matching their gift and doubling your giving for a kingdom purpose.
Together we can do more. Would you lead your church to collect an offering to support our missionaries? Every penny given goes to the missionaries and their work. For more information about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, visit
Liz Encinia is executive director-treasurer of Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union.
Liz Encinia