Pikeville—Greg and Alice Whitetree, who operate the Freeda Baptist Center deep in the heart of Appalachia, have been selected by the Kentucky Baptist Convention to receive a missionary service award.
“The Whitetrees have served God faithfully for many years,” said John Morris, executive director of God’s Appalachian Partnership, who nominated the couple for the award. “Throughout their long tenure, God has used them to touch countless lives.”
The Missionary of the Year award is given annually, most often to an individual. However, in several instances, it has gone to couples who work alongside one another.
Recipients of the award must show a commitment to and effectiveness in evangelism, church planting or ministry; demonstrate a willingness to go the second mile; be effectiveness in achieving assigned tasks; demonstrate an unusual commitment to serving the Lord; reflect positively in their representation of the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board; and be solid examples of on-mission Christians.
Morris said the Whitetrees fit those criteria well.
“They have not only ministered to children through boys and girls clubs but the entire family through various ministries,” Morris said. “Greg and Alice have become solid pillars in their community. I have witnessed families calling upon them in time of need or crisis at all hours.”
The Whitetrees were selected from nominations received in February. They will be presented the award during the Kentucky WMU Annual Meeting on April 10 at Sand Spring Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg.
“The Whitetrees have served as directors of the Freeda Harris Baptist Center in Marrowbone for over 30 years,” said Eric Allen, KBC’s Mission Mobilization team leader. “They love serving the Lord, and it’s evident that they love the people to whom He called them to minister.”
Allen said churches across the state are familiar with the Whitrees, who retired in 2011 but stayed on as co-directors in volunteer positons so that the ministry could continue.
“Only in Heaven will we know exactly how many lives have been touched through the ministry of Greg and Alice Whitetree,” Allen said. “But it is estimated from their monthly reports that there have been over 1,200 professions of faith as a direct result of their ministry during the last 30 years.” (KBC)