Louisville—Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union has announced the members of a search committee for its new executive-director treasurer to succeed Joy Bolton.
Chairing the committee will be Benita Decker, music director at Farmdale Baptist Church in Frankfort, who currently serves as president of the Kentucky Baptist Nursing Fellowship.

Benita Decker
Serving with her will be Pat Reaves, of Louisville, past president of Kentucky WMU; Diane McDaniel, of Springville, Region 6 representative on the state WMU executive board; Roetta Vaught, of Somerset, Region 7 representative; Marcia Ballard, of Winchester, chair of the board’s administrative and personnel committee; and Susan Bryant, of Pleasureville, WMU president, who will serve in an ex officio capacity.
Each committee member was chosen because of the special strengths that she will bring to the process, according to Bryant. Before soliciting resumes, the search committee will focus on determining qualifications and job requirements for the position, she added.
“The board of Kentucky WMU was sadden to learn of Joy Bolton’s retirement announcement during the recent board meeting,” Bryant said. “Because of Joy’s commitment to Kentucky WMU, she is very gracious to remain until a new executive director has been named, and is willing to spend time in order to help her successor become acclimated.”
Bolton, who has led Kentucky WMU for 18 years, has not set a specific date, but her intention is to retire sometime between September 2018 and September 2019. (WR)