Christmas is coming! We see it in decorated homes and malls. We smell it in holiday-scented candles and perfumes. We hear it blaring out of speakers and quietly behind elevator doors. We experience it in our churches as it helps prepare us for its true meaning — when five candles encircled by a wreath are lit, reminding us of a Savior who brought hope, peace, joy and love to a world in need.

Christmas – the holiday children love the most. Well, most children. There are many children, even in Kentucky, who feel they have no hope this Christmas. Nearly 10,000 children in the commonwealth are without a permanent home. These vulnerable children are suffering the effects of neglect and abuse. They are praying for peace, yearning for joy and longing to be loved.
But you can change that. Sunrise is giving you an opportunity to remind the children in our care that they are loved, remembered and prayed for during this Christmas season. You can share the wonder and joy of Christmas with our Sunrise children in the following ways:
• Sponsor a child in one of our residential treatment centers (Contact Stacie McLaughlin at or call 859.455.8185).
• Sponsor a child in our foster care, family services or independent living programs (Contact Lani Crume at or call 502.538.1020).
• Encourage your church to sponsor a group of our Sunrise kids, either in our residential centers or one of our other programs.
• Donate gift cards and monetary gifts. Gift cards such as Amazon, Sephora, Ulta, Dick’s, Walmart, Target, Old Navy, iTunes and Half Price Books are all very helpful.
Also, monetary donations allow us to purchase last minute gifts for children that come into Sunrise’s care right up until Christmas. Gift cards and monetary Christmas donations can be sent to:
Sunrise Children’s Services – Marketing Department 300 Hope Street, PO Box 1429 Mt. Washington, KY 40047
(Gift cards can also be delivered to a Sunrise office near you).
Please turn in your gifts no later than Dec. 15 (We will continue to accept Christmas sponsors up through Dec. 6).
For any of our kids, you can shop directly from a child’s Christmas wish list or make a donation. Either way, your gift can help our children experience the joy of Christmas this year!
And the angel said unto them, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).
David Lyninger is Sunrise associate director of communications.
David Lyninger