Second-year student Randy McDaniel is from Benton, Ky. Although he is only a “child” in the faith as far as being a new Christian, he is glad God loves him, saved him and then called him to prepare for ministry.
“At nearly 49 years old, I have only been a Christian for three years,” said McDaniel. “My time with my studies has been a valuable experience in so many ways. Clear Creek is teaching me not only the Bible, Baptist doctrines and spiritual disciplines, but has shown me what it means to be called to ministry.
“As a young Christian, I know I do not have the experience yet that will be helpful in a lot of ministry situations that I will face, but God led me to Clear Creek to teach me what He is preparing for me. I was an on-campus student for a year and now God has led me to be a campus pastor and ministry leader for our intensive outpatient program that we have at church here in Benton.
“God has put on our hearts to be church planters, to share the gospel and to love on people, including unchurched people,” McDaniel noted.
“God truly has blessed me by allowing me to develop valuable relationships with my professors who have shared their knowledge and experiences with me and my wife. The way that the Clear Creek staff and alumni have reached out to us by giving their time and resources has also blessed us. Clear Creek is not just an institution that teaches us how to study God’s Word — it is a group of God’s people who dedicate their lives and time to encouraging and directing us on what ministry looks like through biblical standards.
“I know that when God calls you to something, He gets you through it,” said McDaniel.
“When I arrived at Clear Creek, I was not the model Clear Creek student. I have worked hard while on campus, and continue today with 15-hour semesters online while also doing full-time ministry. I run into things that I do not understand or know how to approach. First I pray; then I listen. Then I call to mind those who God has put in my life in these three short years at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College. It is an experience that is truly a blessing for a young Christian who is hungry and eager to learn what it means to be called.”
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Donnie Fox