Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered, biblically based recovery ministry that will points others to the HELP, HEALING and HOPE.

If your church or organization desires to offer a biblically based recovery ministry and you are uncertain where to start, attend the Celebrate Recovery breakout sessions during the REACH Evangelism & Missions Conference! There will also be an opportunity to attend a live Celebrate Recovery class that will be offered on Monday evening beginning at 6:00 pm.

This training coincides with the REACH Conference at Severns Valley Baptist Church in Elizabethtown on March 13-14, 2023. The REACH registration fee is waived if attending a Celebrate Recovery breakout. Use coupon code: celebraterecovery. To register for REACH and the Celebrate Recovery Training breakout sessions, click the link below.


Learn more about REACH


Monday, March 13

3:15 pm – Celebrate Recovery Breakout Session #1 with Dr. Ray Hicks
6:00 pm-8:00 pm – Experience Celebrate Recovery @ Severns Valley Baptist Church, Elizabethtown

Tuesday, March 14

9:00 am – Celebrate Recovery Breakout Session #2 with Dr. Ray Hicks

Dr. Ray Hicks

Associate Pastor
Severns Valley Baptist Church, Elizabethtown