Volunteers to prepare the site and build Solid Rock Ranch home for foster children. This site, when completed, will place two or three 3,500 square foot ranch style homes to house children that have no place to go, especially sibling groups and teens. Teams will work with Summit Engineering and a local contractor. Sunrise is in desperate need to contain costs and therefore finding voluntary help is a must.
Ministry Description:
Sunrise Children’s Services (Sunrise) provides care and hope for hurting families and children through Christ-centered ministries. Sunrise is a historic 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Since 1869, this nonprofit ministry has continuously affiliated with Kentucky Baptists. Sunrise takes care of some of the most needy children in the Commonwealth. Sunrise is a valued institution of the KBC and has a wonderful working relationship with KBC
mission boards.
Additional Contact: Stacie McLaughlin, phone 859-333-2635, email
Dates Teams are Needed: To be determined, but possibly starting late summer or early fall 2023.
Housing and Food Preparation: To be determined, but we have several churches that will stand up and provide lodging with food included.
Materials for Project: Sunrise will provide all building materials including lumber, drywall, nails, etc. Baptist teams will need tools and other materials to get the job done.
Are Background Checks of Volunteers Required for this project? No
Physical Address:
500 Stoner Ephesus Road
Winchester, KY 40391
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1429
Mt. Washington, KY 40047