The power that new life in Christ brings is evident all over our campus. We see it through our students who have been born again by the transforming power of Christ and are now ready to be equipped to serve Him in many different ways.

Donnie Fox
Freshman student Abigail DeLong is thankful for the transforming power of Christ that has given her contentment, purpose and meaning in her life.
“I accepted Christ in June of 2016 at a church camp,” said DeLong. “Before camp I was really struggling with letting go of my life, but at the end of a service one night at camp, everything changed for me. The worship team started singing, I was convicted of my sins and I gave my heart to Christ. I finally felt real peace, but I still didn’t know what my calling was.
“I have always struggled in school, so I told God that I was never going to college,” DeLong noted. “Then He called me to Clear Creek. My youth pastor attends Clear Creek online, and he told me that the college would be a perfect fit for me. My parents and I went for a visit to check out the college and I loved it here. I prayed about it continually and I knew that God wanted me here; I could feel it.

“My favorite part of Clear Creek is definitely the people. Everyone has been so kind and encouraging to me. I have spiritual help everywhere I turn.
“God has given me a passion for music ministry,” she added. “I am pursuing my training in that area at Clear Creek. I grew up in a musically talented family and I have been singing since I was a child.
“Music has always been so close to my heart and it makes me feel connected to God more than anything does. God used singing to change my life. Now I want to help impact others by being a vessel that God shines through. I want other people to feel connected to Him the way I do and to see Him glowing through notes and measures. I am still struggling with a lot, but I know that since God called me here, He will bring me through it.”
Thank you Kentucky Baptists for helping us equip those who have been transformed by the power of our resurrected Lord!
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Donnie Fox