Who was Eliza Broadus?
Eliza Somerville Broadus was born in Charlottesville, Va., in 1851. In 1877, after moving with her family to Louisville, Ky., Miss Broadus joined Walnut Street Baptist Church and became a member of the church’s missionary society. In 1878, Kentucky formed a Central Committee and Miss Broadus was elected to serve on that committee as the representative from the Walnut Street society.
She continued to serve as an active member of Kentucky’s Central Committee, later known as the Executive Committee, until 1928 (50 years). She was chairman of the committee for 32 years and vice chairman nine years. When she resigned from the committee in 1928, she was made an honorary life member of the committee.
In 1888, when Woman’s Missionary Union was organized in Richmond, Va., Miss Broadus was not present, but was nevertheless elected vice president from Kentucky. She made valuable contributions to WMU work through her years of service both in Kentucky and in the work of national WMU.
Ada Boone Brown wrote: “Her good judgment, her perfect freedom from self-seeking, her warm appreciation of the gifts of others, made her a wise leader in her own state and a valuable helper in bringing Woman’s Missionary Union into its wonderful efficiency. She urged the women, especially the younger ones, ‘Make choices — don’t wait for chances.'”
Her abilities were undergirded by a deep spiritual life. Clara B. Sibley of Louisville wrote: “Eliza Broadus woke, worked and slept with God in her thoughts — He was the solution to all problems and the unfailing shoulder against which she leaned … She served in the station to which God had assigned her, cheerfully, lovingly and effectively.”
She died in October, 1931, after being struck by a truck on Lexington Road near The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. Dr. J. B. Weatherspoon of the Seminary faculty, said at her funeral, “Eliza S. Broadus went for a walk one evening and was not, for God took her.” Tributes poured in.
A sister, Mrs. A.T. Robertson, was often heard to say, “The Lord sent a chariot for Elijah, and a truck for Eliza.”
How the Eliza Broadus Offering started
In 1975, the Woman’s Missionary Union of Kentucky, at the suggestion of Kathryn Jasper, executive director, appropriately named its annual offering for state missions in Miss Broadus’ honor, starting in 1976.
This year’s offering goal is $1.25 million.
Who benefits from the Eliza Broadus Offering?
The Eliza Broadus Offering provides funding for a variety of Kentucky Baptist ministries. Language missions, church planting, disaster relief, collegiate outreach, church and community missions, evangelism, Kentucky Changers, missions opportunities for children and more receive funding through the Eliza Broadus Offering. EBO is sponsored by Kentucky WMU in partnership with the Kentucky Baptist Convention.
This past year, EBO gave $106,000 in grants to entities in Kentucky Baptist associations. A total of 82 entities in those associations were included in funding.
Those receiving grants of $2,000 or more are:
Hispanic Bible Institute ………………………..$4,500
Refuge: Bowling Green …………………………..$4,500
Kentucky Changers 2020 (Daviess-McLean)……………$4,000
Kentucky Changers 2020 (Lake Cumberland)…………..$4,000
Kentucky Changers 2020 (Russell Creek)…………….$4,000
Haven of Rest…………………………………. $3,500
Moore Activity Center……………………………$3,500
Kathy J. Strange Answer Center……………………$3,500
Kentucky Raceway Ministries………………………$3,000
PM 59 Missions (Kingdom Kids)…………………… $2,500
Kentucky Race Track Chaplaincy……………………$2,500
Happy Trails Ministry……………………………$2,500
HR Ministries…………………………………..$2,000
Koinonia Mission Center………………………….$2,000
Re:Center Ministries…………………………….$2,000
Scarlet Hope……………………………………$2,000
Christians by Choice Clown & Creative Ministries..$2,000
Freedom Forever Ministries……………………… $2,000
There were two entities receiving grants of $1,500. One agency received $1,350. There were 23 entities that received grants of $1,000. Also, $29,000 in associational grants were awarded, with those funds going for evangelism and missions in the various associations.
Your Dollars At Work
EBO Offering benefits KBC ministries: $875,000
The Eliza Broadus Offering has budgeted funds for Kentucky Baptist Convention ministries.
Missions Mobilization……………………………$397,000
State missionaries, church & community missionaries, CCM mercy ministry initiative, metro ministry centers (Baptist Fellowship Center/Re:Center Ministries), missions mobilization coordinator, ministry centers building allocation, missionary retreat, disaster relief ministry, DR training and recertification, DR equipment and maintenance, refugee ministry/displaced people ministry
Evangelism & Church Planting…………………..$458,000
Church planting, multiply east & west initiatives, sending church initiative, bivocational pastor and spouse retreat, church multiplication summit, evangelism strategy implementation, youth evangelism summit, crossover, multi language evangelistic conferences/missions outreach, multi language pastor’s fellowship, multi language super Friday/super Saturday, Hispanic crossover, BCM campus ministry assistance, international student ministry
Communications/Executive Office…………………..$20,000
Capitol chaplain
EBO Offering To Ky. WMU: $240,000
Missions Education, Work with Churches & Associations, Leader Development……………………………………….$102,670
Missions Events, Kentucky Changers, Creative Ministries………………………………………..$66,430
Missions Promotion & Season of Prayer……………. $70,900
Chip Hutcheson