Gray—Knox Association is celebrating its churches that have been on mission trips this summer: First, 17 to India; East Barbourville, four to Alaska, two to Africa; Calvary, five to Alaska; Swan Pond, four to Alaska; and Artemus, two to Alaska.
Louisville—Cardinal Hill Church has called Jammie Vance as pastor.
Rutledge Road Church celebrated the 25th anniversary of John Duty as pastor.
Antioch Church will host Perspectives on the World Christian Movement on Thursday nights, Aug. 20-Nov. 19, 6-9 pm. The discipleship/missions class examines the world Christian movement from biblical, cultural, historical and strategical perspectives. Learn from pastors, missionaries, professors, mobilizers, church planters and others. Contact Mark Mihalyov at
Mayfield—Graves Association had several churches involved in mission trips to Omaha, Nebraska and Sioux City in July.
Mount Vernon—Thirteen volunteers from Rockcastle Association traveled to Managua, Nicaragua. They reported 825 professions of faith. The volunteers represented five of the association’s churches.
Pikeville—First Church called John Lucas as senior pastor on July 26. He has been associate pastor since 2009. Meta Church participated in a World Changers trip in July.
Versailles—Versailles Church partnered with Hope Renewed International July 18-26. The missions team helped serve, equip and empower residents of Guatemala through several projects and ministries, including a girl’s home, construction work on a boy’s transition home, a preschool built in a city dump, and working in slum areas. Michael Cabell is pastor.
Pinckard Church has called Mike James as pastor. James previously served at Judson Church in Nashville and also has been a regional consultant for the Kentucky Baptist Convention.