Louisville-A Kentucky teen who was runner-up in the National High School Bible Drill earlier this year is encouraging others to get involved in the Christian competitions.
Autumn Adkins, the 18-year-old daughter of Robby and Kristi Adkins of Owenton, said preparing for Bible drill competitions helped expand her knowledge of the Scripture.
“The Lord has revealed so much to me through Bible drill,” she said. “He’s strengthened my faith and given me verses to hide in my heart so that I can better serve and defend Him.”
Adkins fell shy of overall victory at the national competition in Georgia earlier this year. In previous national competitions, she was named runner-up in both the speakers’ tournament in 2012 and the Youth Bible Drill in 2011.
Adkins also has won at the state level in every category of the Bible drills and speaker’s tournaments sanctioned by the Kentucky Baptist Convention.
“I strongly encourage youth of all ages to be a part of Bible drill and speaker’s tournament,” she said. “Bible drill can help increase one’s knowledge of the Bible and gives youth preparation to stand firm in their faith at high school, college, jobs and witnessing. Speaker’s tournament challenges youth to be speak on a subject that they are passionate about and can often be the first step for a youth’s future involvement in ministry.”
Adkins is a home-schooled student and a member of Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church in Owenton.
“No one will be sorry for having been a part of this program,” she said. “This program challenges teens, deepens their relationships with those whom they practice with, and strengthens their ability to defend their Savior as they go out to be salt and light in this dark world.
“If Baptist youth want to be a part of a competition that is certain to have a lasting impact on their lives, this is it,” Adkins said.
For more information on Bible drills, go to www.kybaptist.org/bibledrills.