A vital part of making disciples is teaching and preaching on stewardship.

We choose to teach and preach on issues related to stewardship because Jesus taught and preached on these themes often. He did this, not because he was seeking to raise money, but because he knew that how we spend and manage our money communicates a lot on where we are spiritually. In Matthew 6:21 Jesus shared, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Don't forget to sign up for our in-person events!

Bring a group of leaders from your church in late July.

The following set of resources are made available to you for the purpose of planning a four-week sermon and bible study series on Stewardship in your church. Below you will find:

  • A set of four sermon outlines
  • A set of four Bible Study lessons and a Leaders guide for Adults and Youth (same resource)
  • A set of four Bible Study lesson plans, resources, and activities for Children and Preschoolers

The goal is to glorify God and disciple givers for gospel advancement both in our local communities and to the ends of the earth to the glory of Christ.   

If you would like further assistance on planning a sermon and bible study series on stewardship contact your Regional Consultant.