Jason Lowe has served as East Regional Consultant since January 2023. Before coming to the Kentucky Baptist Convention, he served as Associational Mission Strategist for the Pike Association of Southern Baptists, as well as various pastoral roles in three Kentucky Baptist churches. Jason earned a B.S. in Statistics at Eastern Kentucky University and an M.Div. in Missions and Evangelism at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Brandi, and they have two sons, Isaiah and Noah. Jason is the author of The Church During the Search, a book designed to help church members honor the Lord while they wait for their next pastor. He also writes regularly on his blog, JasonALowe.com, to equip churches and encourage church leaders.
How Jason helps churches:
Jason serves pastors, churches, and associational leaders throughout the East Region in various ways. He seeks to strengthen churches through individual church consultations to discover how he can best serve the churches in the region. He also provides training on a number of different subjects, including pastor search committees, church revitalization, leadership development, discipleship, conflict resolution, and more. Jason also meets regularly with pastors for encouragement, coaching, and networking opportunities. He also partners with associational leaders to provide specialized training and resources as needed. If Jason can serve your church or association, you can email him at jason.lowe@kybaptist.org.
Helpful resources Jason recommends:
Jason Lowe Blog
The Church During the Search
Calling Out the Called
Regional Consultants