March 16, 2025, can be a historic moment in the life of your church and a turning point in the lives of many.

This March, we’re inviting churches to take a step of faith and ask God to do a great work of revival on March 16th. More details are coming soon, but in the meantime, here are four ways your church can plan for this significant Sunday.

I’m in for 3:16 on 3/16

Prayerfully Plan

Mobilize your people through prayer and creative invite strategies for “come and see” evangelistic services and community events.

316 on 316 Prayer Guide
316 on 316 Planning Guide
316 on 316 Outreach Ideas
316 Video: One Minute
316 Video: Two Minute
First Impressions: Getting Ready for Guests
22 Things I Can to Help Our Church Make a Good First Impression

Preach 3:16 on 3-16

Preach John 3:16 on 3-16, providing easy pathways for people to respond to the gospel.

Planning an Effective Evangelistic Service
316 Sermon Outlines for Web
316 Logos & Slides

Promote Baptism Sunday

Celebrate Baptism Sunday on April 27th. Make it memorable to the glory of God!

Baptism Planning Guide
The Importance of Baptism


More resources available at

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