One of the great things about Clear Creek is the fact that many of our graduates end up serving back in our Kentucky Baptist Convention that supported them during their educational journey. Our current KBC President Dr. Tim Searcy, pastor of Allen Baptist Church in Prestonsburg, is a Clear Creek alumnus. He reflects on the impact of the school on his life

“Clear Creek Baptist Bible College has always been a part of my life,” said Searcy. “My father, Lewis Searcy, was in the first graduating class of Clear Creek. In 1946. He never missed an alumni meeting the rest of his life. So, when I was born in 1954, it was already an established tradition in our family. I fondly remember playing in the creek, staying in Kelly Hall, eating in the cafeteria, and singing with the preachers.
“Of course, later in life, I got my opportunity to have my own Clear Creek experience as I became a student in 1976. Some of my classmates are my dearest friends to this very day. I still rely upon lessons learned from Professor Robertson in theology, Professor Fitts in Old Testament, Professor Clark in New Testament, Professor Pomeroy in counseling, Dean Peterson in preaching, and Dr. Adder in ethics.
“One of the greatest influences upon my life was Dr. D.M. Aldridge, who was the president at Clear Creek while I was a student,” recalled Searcy. “His passion for the students, for missions, and his dedication to the work has been a guiding light for me. He was a great friend to my father who was the most influential person in my life. I miss walking up to Dr. Aldridge either in the halls at Clear Creek or at a convention meeting and having him slap me on the back and say ‘Tim Searcy, how in the world are you?’
“Dr. Fox, the current president, carries on this same passion,” said Searcy. “His father worked at Clear Creek when I was a student and was a mentor of mine. He could never preach without crying, such was his passion. I noticed that Dr. Fox is the same. May we never lose that as Kentucky Baptists!
“God has blessed this dear institution envisioned by Dr. L.C. Kelly and Dr. R.P. Mahon in so many ways! Only heaven will be able to tell the numbers of souls won to the kingdom through the ministry of this beloved institution and its students. May God bless it, and its current administration and students!”
Donnie Fox