Cassandra Dowell is all grown up now and a student herself at Clear Creek. When she first came here as a teenager when her mother was a student, she had no idea God was preparing her for the husband she would meet here. She has fond memories of growing up on the Creek.
“I had close contact with the students while my mother was a student at Clear Creek,” said Dowell. “They became mentors and models that I wanted to live my life after.
“At a youth lock-in that was held in the late fall of 2006, I felt for the first time my need for a Savior,” she continued. “That night I accepted Christ into my life, and stopped simply acting like a Christian and truly became one.”
“Growing up at Clear Creek, I never considered being a student myself until I met my husband, David,” said Dowell. “He was actually one of the students from Clear Creek that helped supervise at the lock-in that I was saved at that same fall.
“David and I began a relationship in the spring of 2007, the end of my sophomore year of high school. Every day after school and extra-curricular activities, I would drive to Clear Creek to spend the rest of the afternoon with David,” she recalled.
“Initially I had wanted to go to college to become a school teacher,” continued Dowell. “After having been with David throughout my whole junior year of high school, I realized he truly loved me and had plans to marry me one day. I felt that if God had called David into some sort of ministry than, as his hopeful future wife, I would need preparation too.
“During my senior year of high school, I decided that I was definitely going to attend Clear Creek to prepare for whatever ministry God had in store for David and me,” she said.
“My projected graduation date is spring 2017. As of now, our family has not felt a clear calling to one specific ministry,” Dowell shared.
“I always tell people who ask us that we are simple taking one day at a time and being obedient to the ministry God lays before us each and every day.”
To be continued …
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, 300 Clear Creek Road, Pineville, KY 40977; toll-free: (866) 340-3196;; email:
Donnie Fox