My college roommate kept a poster of a Charles Spurgeon quote above his desk that read: “Blood-red will our skirts be if through life we have sought inferior objects, and forgotten that men needed to be saved.” Proclaiming the gospel is the one great objective of Crossings Ministries. Over 14,500 students and adults are scheduled to pass through the gates of Crossings’ two properties this summer at Cedarmore and Jonathan Creek. Every student will be confronted with the pivotal question: “Will you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?”
Will you join us in praying for this one superior objective—that students will come to know Christ? The Crossings staff has a certain and confident expectation that God will move in the hearts of students and they will come to know Him. Why do we have such a confident expectation? We have such confidence because Jesus told us that the fields are white for harvest (John 4:35). We have such expectation because we know that God is at work building a kingdom of worshippers. We have such urgency because we believe that God is in the business of changing lives. Therefore, we urge you to pray for these students to believe on the Lord Jesus.
While knowing the Lord Jesus is paramount, we also want these students to have a biblical understanding of who they are. This is why our theme for the summer of 2016 is “Identity.” Camp pastors will be taking students through John chapter 4 and delving into the life of the woman at the well. The goal is to help students answer the question, “Who are you?,” from a biblical perspective. We want to expose the false and destructive identities present in their lives and help them understand that they are a new creation in Christ. All believers belong to Jesus, and Jesus belongs to them! King Jesus is the living water that can satisfy their souls and transform their desires, behavior, and purpose in life. Only He can provide them with the identity that they urgently need. Pray that God will continue to change students into true worshippers who are eager to love and obey King Jesus and are compelled to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.
Randall Breland is the new director of communications for Crossings Ministries.
Randall Breland