In Deuteronomy 6, Israel is given the greatest commandment of all: to love God with all its heart, soul and strength. And then, interestingly, the responsibility of teaching this commandment to others falls not on educators. Not on religious leaders. Not on government officials. But on parents: These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:9 NIV)

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Sunrise foster-to-adopt parents, Eric and Monica Perez
At Sunrise, we believe that our parents can be our greatest leaders. And we believe this biblical challenge applies to ALL parents. So it is with the utmost of humility and honor we take on the task of training our foster parents to become the effective leaders they were called to be.
“Choosing Sunrise was an easy choice for us,” shared Sunrise foster-to-adopt parents Eric and Monica Perez. “Not only did they share our Christian values, but they prove over and over how much they care for all the children put in their care. They always go above and beyond expectations. We could not have asked for a better agency!”

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Sunrise foster-to-adopt parents, Ken and Penny Varble
All of Sunrise’s foster families are trained as therapeutic foster families to care for children placed in their care. Some children come to us with medical or behavioral needs while others come to us as a large sibling group that needs to stay together. Sunrise is committed to fully preparing parents and families for a most rewarding responsibility – providing a loving home for a hurting child.
“We had the support that we needed,” shared Sunrise foster-to-adopt parent Penny Varble. “Sunrise was always a phone call away, and they never were upset that we called them.”
If you are considering foster care or adoption, contact us at 855.33.iCARE or visit us online at We are committed to providing you the training you need to help you become the parents and leaders you are called to be.
David Lyninger is Sunrise associate director of communications
David Lyninger