God’s miraculous works seen in 120-year history
It is hard to believe another calendar year is drawing to a close. Some would say it is hard to believe Oneida has now reached 120 years of service, but I would beg to differ with anyone who might think that way.
Larry Gritton
The reason I would disagree is because I have the privilege of seeing each and every day so much of what God does here in this little place called Oneida. God performs miracles on this campus every day, and while these miracles should not be taken for granted and should be appreciated, they should not come as a surprise.
The work of Oneida is God’s work and His love for it and us is evidenced by His miraculous works throughout the past 120 years.
2019 year-in-review reveals some of God’s miracles at OBI
• Many young people gave their lives to Christ.
• We completed Huang Hall, our new 34,000-square-foot girls’ dormitory and classroom combination building.
• We also began construction on Underwood Hall, our new dining facility.
• Our daily, weekly, monthly and annual giving that enables us to continue operating on a daily basis remained steady.
• Our local student population grew to over 100 for the first time in several decades, and God provided some amazing new staff members to continue His work here.
Submitted photo
Friends at the 2019 OBI Fall Festival
As we turn our attention toward Christmas, we should be reminded that everything about the birth of our Lord and Savior was miraculous. Jesus’ virgin birth was miraculous. Joseph remaining by Mary’s side through the pregnancy was miraculous. Joseph and Mary’s escape to Bethlehem was miraculous. The innkeeper providing a spot in the stable was miraculous. The wise men visiting Jesus was miraculous, and everything about Jesus’ 33 years on this earth was miraculous.
If you are receiving this article, it likely means you have had some sort of active role or partnership with Oneida. Please know that we are grateful for that partnership in the gospel. Your love, prayers and financial support enable us to take the gospel to the world because the world comes to OBI.
As you celebrate Christmas this year and reflect upon God’s provision and miracles in your life, please remember the work of Oneida as we continue working toward making Oneida the best version of itself so that young people can be educated for time and eternity. Thank you again for your faithfulness to the Lord and the Oneida ministry, and may the Lord bless each of you with the greatest Christmas you’ve ever had.
Larry Gritton is president of Oneida Baptist Institute in Oneida, Ky.
Larry Gritton