Your legacy—have you ever thought about what that will be? Most of us would like to make a difference in the lives of our loved ones and the ministries important to us. We take steps to make sure they will be taken care of when we are no longer here on this earth. We have the opportunity to provide this care by putting plans in place through proper planning of our financial estate. But have you also thought about memorializing your Christian faith through the written statement of your last will and testament?

Estate documents can present a wonderful opportunity to leave behind a written testimony of your faith in Christ. Evangelist Dwight L . Moody’s will contained this great example as a lasting expression of his eternal confidence in Christ. “You may have heard that I died. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am alive and well, enjoying the presence of God for eternity. It’s my hope that you will take great joy in my recent promotion. It’s also my prayer and request that if you haven’t discovered the truth about God sending His Son to die on the cross so that none should perish, you will seek His truth with great urgency as a personal favor to me.”
Another enduring, clear statement was left by Patrick Henry, one of America’s Founding Fathers, who said, “If I had all the goods this world can offer but had not faith in Christ, I would amongst all men be poor indeed.”
You can create your own letter to loved ones, affirming and encouraging them. Consider joining the many Christians who, as a part of their estate planning, have made such statements—either by incorporating them into the text of their planning documents, or in letters to be found with their documents following their deaths. Such statements to those loved ones you leave behind would be your positive witness of the importance of going the distance in trusting Christ.
Richard Carnes is president of the Kentucky Baptist Foundation.
Richard Carnes