Connect Community Village needs a licensed contractor, licensed electrician, licensed plumber, laborers, donated supplies (lumber, metal roof, metal siding, paint, and related materials).
Ministry Description:
Connect Community Village, a faith-based ministry in Somerset, KY proposes to start an innovative community village initiative that continues to support veterans who have completed their military service and require additional assistance of reintegration into society and the workforce. Their goal is to help them change their lives through housing, education, job skill training, and secured employment, and dependable transportation.
The Connect Community Village will create a transitional atmosphere of community involvement and cooperation to help assist veterans in transitioning into a life of stable rehabilitation and permanent placement solutions. It would create an environment through workforce initiatives, housing, education, transportation, and soft skill training, along with support, accountability, and mentoring to create a positive atmosphere to which a positive life change can occur. Connect Community Village proposes that by providing a safe place to live with dignity, purpose, and a solid foundation, individuals will learn to live independently, while learning to interact again with society and relate to the current workforce through trained technical skills. They will partner with businesses that have offered to train on sight and off sight, and to hire our veterans once training has been completed. Veterans will be offered a livable wage at the completion of their training. They will bridge the gap between a dependent environment of their past to an environment of self-dependency and self-reliance.
High Street Baptist Church in Somerset, KY is working closely with Connect Community Village in this endeavor.
Dates Teams are Needed: As soon as possible to begin work on converting the barn to a general store.
Housing and Food Preparation: To be determined. Call for information.
Materials for Project: Materials provided by local donations. However, any materials that can be provided by mission teams will be appreciated.
Are Background Checks of Volunteers Required for this project? No