Whenever I am privileged to speak to people about partnering with Clear Creek, I always present that opportunity as an “investment” in kingdom work. I recently received a letter from an alumnus that reminded me of the many “returns” on that investment.
“In 1974-77 my husband and I were enrolled at Clear Creek. During our time there, my husband was youth director at First Baptist Church of Pineville, and I worked in the communication department part time and then full time at a drug store in town.
“The history and vision of Clear Creek to be a school for men and women who did not get their education the conventional way made it accessible for us to attend. My husband served at a young age as a deacon as well as volunteer leader with teens. During those early years, the Lord positioned us in ways that led to His calling as a minister. He began by teaching Bible study at a boy’s ranch and also helping with a new church start.
“Before we learned about the college, my husband became pastor of a small church. The church grew under his leadership which brought about the need for administrative and counseling skills, sermon preparation helps and a need for in-depth bible study help. During this time, an evangelist who came to the church to hold revival services suggested Clear Creek to us. By this time, God had prepared our heart for the idea of school.
“Moving to Pineville and attending Clear Creek was just another step in God’s preparation for a heart to serve pastors and leaders in a small church setting. After school God led us to churches where my husband served as pastor for a few years, and then we were led to develop a ministry to help support small church leaders which we led for 30 years.
“I just wanted to give testimony of how Clear Creek played such a vital role as God shaped our lives of service. My husband died in 1997 and I continued to work with pastor’s wives, camps, retreats and small church conferences. Thank you so much for your continued educational opportunities to meet the needs of men and women dedicated to Christian service.”
Donnie Fox is president of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, 300 Clear Creek Road, Pineville, KY 40977; toll-free: (866) 340-3196; ccbbc.edu; email: dfox@ccbbc.edu.
Donnie Fox