I am always blessed to hear from our Clear Creek alumni about how God has blessed them as they have followed Him on the journey He has led them over the years. Alumnus Nick Catron currently serves as associational missions strategist for the Freedom/Wayne Associations. He reflects on his journey following God to Clear Creek and beyond.
“As I think back, over my life, I often am reminded of an Old Testament passage that most people are familiar with,” said Catron. “Jeremiah 29:11-13 says, “I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD….” I am absolutely astounded by this verse! You see, I was a young man that grew up on ‘Rock Quarry Hill’ in Monticello, Ky. Growing up, we did not have very much. My dad was killed in an accident when I was 12 and I went to work. I worked six days a week after school. I worked hard all my life! But I never dreamed that God would allow me to go and do as He has allowed. After all I was a boy from Rock Quarry Hill.
“In 2001 the Lord allowed me to travel to Warsaw, Poland, on my first mission trip and from that point on my life was forever changed,” recalled Catron. “Returning home I told my wife, Marlene, that the Lord was calling us to missions. Well, she laughed for six months until she finally knew I was serious. We placed our business up for sale and started the process to apply with the International Mission Board. Over the next several months we jumped through all the hoops with the IMB only to be turned down. We were sick! But God was at work!
“He then led me to Clear Creek,” said Catron. “I enrolled on the missions track. However, after a semester or two, and through much prayer and Godly council from many professors and friends, I changed my major. In 2008, the Good Lord led me to pastor Green Grove Baptist in Albany, Ky., where I spent the next ten years! There were many tough times, but God saw us through. Since then He has allowed me to almost circle the globe taking the Good News to any and all who would listen. I now serve as the associational missions strategist for the Wayne & Freedom Associations. Me, a boy from ‘Rock Quarry Hill,’ the least among them all. To God be the Glory! Thank You for guiding me!”
Where will He lead you?
Donnie Fox