One of the great things about Clear Creek is our focus on practical ministry training. This includes opportunities for our students to experience firsthand missions and evangelism training as they take advantage of mission trip opportunities while they are at Clear Creek. Student John Falotico shares about his time in Malawi Africa this past summer.
“I recently had the opportunity to go to Malawi Africa with fellow student Taylor Haley, President Donnie Fox, and six amazing ladies filled with love for the Lord and people,” said Falotico. “During this trip a reoccurring theme surfaced, “the power of God for salvation,” the Gospel works!
“After 19 long hours of flying we arrived in Malawi. Our first full day we split into three groups of three and each group was dropped off in a village far out in the ‘bush.’ I had seen the power of God work before but never like I saw this day and during these nine days.
“That first day my little group of three missionaries proclaimed the Gospel to groups of people ranging from 10 to 100,” recalled Falotico. “That night we showed the Jesus Film to a crowd of 900 and gave a Gospel presentation and nearly 90 percent of the people made a profession of faith in Christ Jesus. Later that evening while back at our quarters I was asked what I thought about the day, all I could think to say was ‘I’m still sorting it out.’ We don’t see this type of response to the preaching of God’s Word here in the states, I thought about that all night.
“The next day my friend and I was talking about it and Dr. Fox reminded us that the Gospel was the power of God unto Salvation and our responsibility was to share it. This reminded me to have confidence in the power of Jesus to save.
“Through the proclaiming of the Gospel that week, 6,958 adults made a profession of faith in Jesus and four churches were planted,” said Falotico. “I have always said that on the mission field I take away more than I leave behind. Those nine days God showed me one thing: to have confidence in the Gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation.”
Donnie Fox