We are rapidly approaching the end to another summer of Crossings. While there are similarities in camp from year to year, each summer has certain unique aspects. This is the 16th year of Crossings and, believe it or not, this year included many “firsts” for Crossings.
For the first time, we will see new records in many aspects of camp. Exactly what records are set will be coming in our next article. Obviously, with record numbers of attendance, we have many “highest-ever” numbers, but I would like to focus on one particular number.
For the first time, we were blessed with a record number of summer staff that so faithfully served the Lord this year. We started the summer with approximately 100 college-age students.
They were bombarded with learning to do numerous tasks from cooking/serving food to facilitating zip lines and most anything in between. They would each day hear emotionally challenging stories from students representing nearly 600 churches from over 18 states. They endured 18 hour workdays with at times heat indexes of over 110 degrees. I could continue to list items, but in short they endured much.
During our exit interviews as summer winds down, the most significant part is what we have heard from them about their favorite part of the summer.
These statements illustrate the grace of our God as so many would recount their thankfulness for the difficulties they experienced throughout the summer. Through these difficulties they were drawn closer to God as He sanctified them in the refining fire of camp life.
You may think camp is only for the campers, but that is not correct. Camp is for all involved—from those praying for students, those people who sacrificially gave so students could attend, the bus drivers, chaperones, youth ministers, and our staff alike.
God has used this summer to work in the lives of our staff more than any before to conform all of us more into the image of His Son. We have been truly blessed beyond works this year by His grace through difficulties.
David Melber