Owensboro—The offices of Life Community Church in Owensboro were badly damaged by a fire, which was reported about 7 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to an article in the Messenger-Inquirer, but don’t expect the mission or vision of the church to be deterred.
“They are going to continue being Life Community to the Owensboro community. They will continue to worship the name of Jesus,” said Jerry Tooley, director of missions of Daviess-McLean Baptist Association.
Having to move from place to place and relying on generosity from other churches is nothing new to Life Community Church. The church, which began almost four years ago as a Kentucky Baptist Convention high-impact church, had to use community centers and school gyms for its meeting places and offices early on it its life.
“This is nothing new for us”, said Kenny Rager, pastor of Life Community Church, “We had to continue to stay mobile.”
Despite losing its offices and classrooms to the fire, the church did not lose its trailer that contained curtains, sound equipment, children’s ministry supplies and coffee pots for Sunday morning worship. “Lots of things that made Sunday mornings happen. We were fortunate in that regard,” explained Rager. “We will continue forward without a ministry center but still doing ministry.”
For now, the church will continue to hold services at Owensboro Community and Technical College, but their vision and purpose is still the same: connecting people to Jesus, caring for people and changing the world.
“It was kind of a bummer, but we believe God has a plan for this,” said Rager, “We will continue to press forward by the grace of God.” (WR)
Cary Donnell