Christmas is about home and family. It’s a time for happy memories of warmth and love. But for abused and neglected children it’s a season of want and despair. Each day, Sunrise Children’s Services cares for hundreds of damaged and hurting children who don’t have wonderful Christmas memories … who live in loneliness, without warmth and love. It’s our mission to help abused and neglected children experience God’s love. There are many ways you can help:
– We’re still seeking gift sponsors! You can shop directly from a child’s Christmas wish list or make a donation that allows Sunrise staff to do the shopping for you. This is a great way to help the children we serve heal emotionally, and ensure they experience the joy of Christmas. Please call (800) 456-1386 or email for more information or to sign up.
– Finding it hard to shop for friends, family or co-workers? Make a gift in honor or in memory of someone special. Sunrise will send a note letting them know you’re sponsoring a child in his or her honor. Just write “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of” in the memo section of your check, and include the person’s name.
– Want to take advantage of tax-deductible gift-giving and do some good year-round? An end-of-year gift to Sunrise is 100 percent deductible and benefits the children we serve all year. Gifts can even be made online at
– Spice up your Christmas or holiday gathering by encouraging guests to bring gifts for Sunrise children. Gift cards are particularly welcome, especially to well-known retailers such as Target, Walmart and Kroger. Sunrise can provide donation forms for your guests that they can use for their tax records.