Imagine making a lasting impact in the heart of New York City. 

We Inspire NYC offers you the opportunity to do just that! Come be part of a mission to encourage church planters and help build relationships that lead to gospel conversations. You will assist with teacher appreciation breakfasts and assemble gift bags for hardworking educators. You will engage in worship with a church planter’s congregation and witness firsthand how God is transforming NYC communities. Don’t miss this opportunity to inspire change, deepen your faith, and experience the vibrant energy of New York City. Register now for We Inspire NYC August 31 – September 3, 2024.


“People won’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
– Pastor Danny Torres of Swerve Church in Queens, New York 

We Inspire NYC
We Inspire NYC

What can you do to help?

1. Pray for these planters to have favor in the schools as they build relationships and share the gospel. Pray that God will further use the teacher totes as strengthening those relationships and opening more doors for gospel conversations.

2. Connect with a planter in NYC for gospel partnership in the Big Apple. We are happy to help you make these connections in NYC, as your church prayerfully considers partnering here. Reach us at

Danny Torres
Danny Torres

"We're trying to be good news in our community. We don't want to just be a church that is just in the neighborhood. We want to take advantage of this huge open door to minister in local schools."

Emanuel Grozea
Emanuel Grozea

"It took us 5 years to sort of build relationships with the school. You have to earn the relationship by investing in the neighborhood. We try to position ourselves in the middle of the neighborhood and meet needs. Our goal is to show the love of Christ."

Edwin Pacheco
Edwin Pacheco

"We want to make sure (the teachers we work with) feel valued as individuals. We're not trying to simply proselytize, we really care about them. I've already had other principals reaching out to me to see how they can get a church to adopt them."

Larry Mayberry
Larry Mayberry

"We are excited about partnering with your church to help supply teachers and at their schools with the things they need. This will be a great way for our church here in Woodside Queens to partner with the local schools we have already developed a relationship with."

Learn More About NYC Church Planters:

Danny Torres

Pastor of Swerve Church
Project: Serving Local Schools

Info Sheet

Watch Video

Justin Adamson

New Song of Hope Church

Watch Video

Won Kwak

DoXa Church NYC

Watch video

Emanuel Grozea

Lead Pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church
Project: Serving Local Schools

Info Sheet

Watch Video

Larry Mayberry & Danny Rangel

Pastors of Queens Church
Project: Serving Local Schools

Info Sheet

Edwin Pacheco

Pastor of Redemption Church
Project: Serving Local Schools

Info Sheet