Dr. Tim Searcy is pastor of Allen Baptist Church near Prestonsburg and is the current president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. His term will end at the November annual meeting, and here he reflects on his presidency.
What did you learn about the KBC during your presidency that you didn’t know beforehand?
I think the one thing I learned that I didn’t fully realize before is just how much work the administrative assistant staff at the Baptist Building does. I know it is true of any organization that the day-to-day details must be accomplished and that the administrative assistants do that work. However, at the KBC this is done with such skill and professionalism that it enables all the teams to accomplish even more for the kingdom of God. A big thanks to them all!

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What goals have you achieved during your presidency?
If I have accomplished anything at all, I hope it is that I have served Kentucky Baptists. The convention has given so much to me. I am a graduate of both Oneida Baptist Institute and Clear Creek Baptist Bible College. This was my chance to give back. I wanted to do so decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14: 40) and above reproach (1 Timothy 3: 2). I hoped to instill an attitude of servanthood in the place of self-promotion in the office of the president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention.
I believe history will show that the selection of Dr. Todd Gray as executive director-treasurer of the KBC will be a legacy of souls won to Christ. I am so happy for that decision and the committee I worked with to make that selection.
What is the best advice you received during the past year?
The best advice given to me from many sources was to enjoy the time. It has been hard work, but I have had the joy of the Lord in it. It has been a great privilege to serve the Lord and Kentucky Baptists! I became reacquainted with many and met some for the first time, but all have been a joy to work with!
Do you leave the office with any regrets?
Absolutely not! I have given everything I’ve got! Some might say they regret that the year is over; I’m not that one. I have enjoyed it, but will also be glad to let someone else have some fun.
What was the biggest challenge you faced?
Beyond any doubt, the search for the new executive director-treasurer. When asked if I would be willing to be nominated, I was not aware of this transition. When it was announced, I knew that the next president would have a grave responsibility that would impact Kentucky Baptists for years to come. Throug a great deal of prayer and a wonderful committee, God has led us to the exact man for the job.

What can Kentucky Baptists do to encourage and assist full-time and bivocational pastors?
I think the best way to carry out the task is by really believing and practicing the motto of the convetion: Created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ. If the work is in the local church and the KBC is here to assist, then we will see the value of the work of pastors in those churches. One necessary part of this is listening to those pastors. You can’t help by assuming the need. We are doing a great job already in finding needs and seeking to help, but we can get better.
Where do you see the KBC going in the future?
I believe that the Kentucky Baptitst Convention is in a very good place right now. Dr. Paul Chitwood brought us to a sense of unity around the gospel and that is very healthy. I believe under the leadership of Dr. Gray we will see an increase in evangelism that will result in more baptisms and a greater number of churches in the convention. As William Carey said, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.”
But as it is written: “What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived — God has prepared these things for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9 CSB).