Pray for the Lord to send out more laborers into the harvest fields of Kentucky.

On any given Sunday (pre-COVID), approximately 80% of Kentuckians were not found attending any kind of church anywhere. This troubling statistic means that more than 3.6 million of our neighbors are unchurched. Minimally, nearly 2.9 million Kentuckians are likely lost without a saving relationship with Christ. Please pray:

• for friends, family and neighbors who need to hear the gospel of Jesus
• for the Lord to send out thousands of laborers into Kentucky’s harvest fields (Luke 10:2)
• for each of the 1,728,681 homes in Kentucky to be adopted by a KBC church committed to do everything possible to reach them for Christ
• for revival in our churches and a great spiritual harvest as KBC churches cooperate to take the gospel to every home. To learn more about the Gospel to Every Home, download the mobile app or click here.

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